
Upcoming Events

Upcoming meeting agenda
  • Previous charity presents how People Who Care enabled a project
  • Charities are nominated for consideration
  • Meet in person at 7pm
  • Three members present and discuss the area needs
  • Everyone votes where we will have the greatest impact

Anyone interested participates in the funds presentation to the organization.

The organization returns to the next meeting to share how we helped.

spring Meeting

April 2024

$45,000 raised to date!

Our next meeting will be held at Central United Methodist Church, Concord, NC.

Sec1 Concept

The Concept

A group of people who want to give to our community and see this program as a way to combine resources, drastically increasing the impact of our giving. We have leadership who plan and organize events and developing a group of sponsors that help cover expenses. We strive to financially support local charities, raise exposure, and increase awareness in a simple and quick format.

Sec2 Next Meeting

Meetings – January – April – July – October

You are welcome to participate in our meetings. We will look for those who are interested in discussing the three presentations to donate $100 toward one of the three in order to vote on how we distribute the funds.

Our next meeting will be held at the Coltrane Room at the Central United Methodist Church, 30 Union Street North.


Sec3 How

How it works

100 People Who Care Concord was inspired by our partner organization, 100 Men and Women Who Care Hilton Head Island, and similar chapters around the country. We are a local group from different backgrounds who are committed to making a positive impact in the Concord communities. We each pledge individually $100 per quarter.

Sec4 Mission

Friends with a common vision for our community

Our mission is to positively enable the local community by making a financial contribution to a local charity four times a year. As a result of our work together, we also expect to find other ways to make a difference.